Nov 30, 2008

Some Links Related to Global Warming

My Voicethread

My opinion about '' An Inconvenient Truth ''

In my opinion this movie is very important because, the global warming problem its series problem and the government and people are must take the responsibility for that. Also the way that the movie it’s talk about was very scientific more that political.
Moreover, It’s show us the main problem and how we can solve it, first off all the government should take care about the environment to reduce the risk that’s happing right now.

Nov 25, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth Summary

In this movie the former American president al gore shows how the world is turning into a disaster because of the effects of global warming. In the movie are several examples on how the earth is changing and how problems are happening. Explanations on global warming show how the temperature changed during the 90's. According to Al gore actions must be taken in order to stop the disaster from becoming greater